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Dave’s Yellow Basmati Rice

After experimenting with a dubious package of “Saffron Rice” from the grocery store that had MSG as one of its ingredients, Dave started wondering how he could make a yummy rice from scratch at home. Here’s the result, which he served with braised sugar snap peas and chicken. I think it would be really great with sautéed mushrooms and pine nuts.


2 cups basmati rice
3-3/4 cups water (or as instructed on rice packaging)
2 or 3 tbsp butter, unsalted
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp finely minced onion or shallots
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp curry
1/2 tsp tarragon
1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp cardamom
1/8 tsp chili
bay leaf


Heat everything but the rice to boiling. As it’s heating up, rinse the rice well in cold water, then dump the rice into the boiling pot, bring to a boil again, then cover tightly and simmer 15 – 18 minutes (or as instructed on the rice package). Remove from heat and let stand a few minutes. Fluff and serve.

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Here’s my egg & avocado stir-fry with Dave’s Yellow Basmati Rice: